This CoStarting build in public cohort is coming to an end and the feelings are mixed. While it’s bit sad, we’re excited and refocussed moving forward, enabling people to provide great customer experiences. All while contributing to a more digitally competitive market.
Last Weeks Progress
After conducting some more usability tests, we gained a great – and especially consistent – understanding of how people interact with HarmonyCB right now. Main problems we’re definitely in navigating through the app. Secondly, people needed to get an easier, fast win when building apps with Harmony. So, last week we’ve already iterated on:
The selection mechanics
It’s now possible to just hover and click on elements in the UI. Just like in Worpress or Webflow.
UI-flow Navigation
Like a “good” startup founder we had taken the navigation between dashboards and projects for granted – because we understood it! Usability testing was really helpful because everyone was confused. We now adapted the navigation to expectations and are doing a design overhaul to make functionality easy to discover and use.
Harmony is technically powerful. However, there is (more?) power that is enabling people to achieve fast wins at solving their problems. To hide complexity and give non-technical users something they can use easily we’re now developing components. This means pages don’t need to be rebuild from single elements, but you can just pick the most common ones. Since last week components are possible – now we just need to create the actual components
Looking forward!
Up next, since deciding to shift away from small businesses and self-employed people, we’ve started conducting customer discovery interviews again. Now in industries that are traditionally famous for having bad customer experiences. Does one spring to mind? Let me know! I’d love to know if we’re thinking of the same one.
…to be continued