Learnings from game development in nocode

Game development vintage image

The Beginnings in the Industry My first team. We are bees. I’ve been a game developer professionally since the 90s. Working for smaller studios developing console games initially, the fascination for the industry culminated in a job at PlayStation R&D focussing on UI/UX API systems. After that I moved onto more ‘serious  business stuff’ –… Continue reading Learnings from game development in nocode

Build in Public – Week 3 – Retrospective

No code usability testing is the best! Mid last week the HarmonyCB private beta was released and since then we have already done 4 usability tests in person – as far as in person goes in early 2021! In many ways it is crazy to think back and realize it has been less than a week.… Continue reading Build in Public – Week 3 – Retrospective